The IDU coverage is contained in an object of class MapLayer. MapLayer is a class that embodies a single layer of GIS data, and provides numerous GIS operations on that data. It also contains a pointer to a Map object that is a container of multiple MapLayers (depending on how many are loaded) and provides for the visual display of the maps. There are several common tasks involving MapLayer that are described below.



A pointer to the IDU MapLayer is passed in the EnvContext structure during each invocation of an interface. To access this pointer:
 const MapLayer *pLayer = pContext->pMapLayer;


Use a MapLayer::Iterator, in conjunction with the IDU's MapLayer::GetData() function, to retrieved teh current IDU data for a given field (column) in the database, as follows
 const MapLayer *pLayer = pContext->pMapLayer; 
 for ( MapLayer::Iterator idu=pLayer->Begin(); idu < pLayer->End(); idu++ ) 
     float value; // int, CString, bool, etc.depending on col datatype 
     pLayer->GetData( idu, m_colOfInterest, value ); // do something with the idu’s value of the specified column 


DeltaArray’s provide a complete history of every change that has been made to the IDU coverage. Further, Envision tracks the last time each model/process has “seen” the DeltaArray. This means that if a model/process want to see anychanges that have been made either from a particular years, form the beginning of the run, or since it was last “seen” by the model/process, that is easily accessed as follows.
 DeltaArray *deltaArray = pContext->deltaArray;// get a ptr to the delta array
 INT_PTR daSize = deltaArray->GetSize();  // use static size so deltas added
      // by this process this cycle don’t
      // get looked at!!!
 // iterate through deltas added since last “seen”
 for ( int i=pContext->firstUnseenDelta; i < daSize; ++i )
    DELTA &delta = deltaArray->GetAt(i);
    // do something with the delta


Models/Processes should not modify the map directly – instead, they should add a DELTA to the map indicating the change to be made. Envision then modifies the map with all DELTA’s added when the model/process returns control to Envision when exiting the call. The EnvContext contains a pointer to a function for adding DELTA’s. To simplify use, the EnvExtension class provides a member function makes it very easy to add DELTA’s.
 const MapLayer *pLayer = pContext->pMapLayer;
 for ( MapLayer::Iterator idu=pLayer->Begin(); idu < pLayer->End(); idu++ )
    float fValue = 10.0f;
    int   iValue = 20;   
    UpdateIDU( pContext, idu, m_col0, fValue, ADD_DELTA ); // note: these are polymorphic
    UpdateIDU( pContext, idu, m_col1, ivalue, ADD_DELTA );


Models can optionally expose input and output variables to Envision. Exposed input variables can be set differently across different scenarios; exposed output variables are used by Envision to collect data from the model/process during a run. The EnvExtension parent class manages these variables. All that is needed is to call AddInputVar() and AddOutputVar() in either the model constructor or in your model's Init() method.
 class MyModel : public EnvAutoProcess
    int m_input1;   // declare input, output variables
    float m_input2;
    int output;
    // constructor
 : EnvEvalModel()
 , m_input1(10)
 , m_input2(2)
 , m_output( 5 )
    //  Arguments are label, variable,  description
    AddInputVar ( _T(“Input 1”), m_input1, _T(“this is an input”) ); 
    AddInputVar ( _T(“Input 2”), m_input2, _T(“this is another”) ); 
    AddOutputVar( _T(“Output”),  m_output, _T(“this is an output”) ); 